
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fall 2008 Newsletter

Two Battles
Many Americans would admit to having little knowledge of African history, geography or politics. South Africa might be the exception, however. The struggle against apartheid thrust South Africa onto the international stage.

People like Nelson Mandela became household names as South Africans fought against oppression. South Africans won the battle against apartheid, but there is another fight against oppression that has not gotten much attention. The enemy of our souls enslaves much of South Africa with a spiritual oppression born of abandonment and half-truths.

Good Intentions
The Zionist Churches have their origins with Alexander Dowie’s Christian Catholic Apostolic Church (CCAC) based out of Zion, IL. The movement sent missionaries to South Africa around the turn of the 20th century.

Preaching a message heavy in faith healing, these missionaries saw many great things happen and soon gained a big following. Alexander Dowie died in 1907 and the subsequent divisions meant many CCAC missionaries could not stay or return to South Africa. The churches that remained were left in their infancy to grow on their own. This resulted in a theology mixed with many indigenous beliefs such as ancestor worship.

Today, some have estimated that as many as one-third of South Africans belong to one of these Zionist churches. This is one-third of the population that believe in Jesus but still offer prayer and sacrifices to their ancestors. This is one-third of the population that falsely believe they have found the way to heaven.

This one-third is one of the great unreached people groups of South Africa. This one-third remains a potent reminder of the necessity of long-term, dedicated missionaries. Thank You for your years of support. Please pray that we will be able to raise our budget and return to South Africa so we can continue to share the full gospel among this great unreached people group.

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